Theme installation service
Love Her creative themes but don’t have time or know-how to install one on your site?
I’ll install it for you, don’t worry! I specialize in Kadence web design and would love to work alongside business owners, bloggers, and entrepreneurs to craft a unique WordPress website that lets you focus on scaling your business.
Choose the type of installation that best suits your needs:
Simple Installation
With this package:
Premium Installation
With this package:
the process
How does it work?
01/ Fill out the form
Complete the form with the necessary details to initiate your Theme Installation Service request.
03/ Ticket Creation & Material Sharing
Once the purchase is confirmed, a ticket will be automatically created in HelpScout, and you’ll be prompted to share all the necessary materials for your site installation.
02/ Service Purchase
After submitting the form, you will be directed to a link to complete your purchase of the installation service.
04/ Process completed
The theme installation process is complete.
Main FAQs