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Required plugins
To ensure the proper functioning of your purchased theme, you must download and activate the required plugins. Without them, the theme may not work correctly.
Click on the plugin box to download it or search for it directly in the official WordPress.org directory.
Please note that the theme you purchased is compatible with the Gutenberg editor, not the Classic Editor.
Disclaimer: The Her creative details team is not responsible for the maintenance or updates of any plugins.
To ensure legal compliance, you must use a cookie consent plugin and create a popup that meets GDPR requirements. If you choose not to use this plugin, other options are available in the WordPress.org directory, but having one is mandatory to avoid legal penalties. Disclaimer: Her creative details studio deals only with graphic design of themes, consequently it does not guarantee any type of stipulation of Policies or Contracts.
This is a mandatory plugin if you want to enable the gutenberg editor also within the description of the individual product pages. Without this plugin you will not be able to use the templates for the “description” tab of the product that you find within the live demo of the theme you are interested in. To activate Gutenberg, you just need to download this plugin and activate it. Then go to your WordPress Dashboard > Snippets > Import > import the file “enable-gutenberg-for-woo-products.code-snippets.JSON” that you find within the mega file of the theme that you purchased and unzipped. You can find the file “enable-gutenberg-for-woo-products.code-snippets.JSON” within the “Extra” folder of the theme that you just downloaded to your PC. Once you have imported this file, activate it and that’s it. You won’t have to do anything else.
This is a mandatory plugin if you want to enable the gutenberg editor also within the description of the individual product pages. Without this plugin you will not be able to use the templates for the “description” tab of the product that you find within the live demo of the theme you are interested in. To activate Gutenberg, you just need to download this plugin and activate it. Then go to your WordPress Dashboard > Snippets > Import > import the file “enable-gutenberg-for-woo-products.code-snippets.JSON” that you find within the mega file of the theme that you purchased and unzipped. You can find the file “enable-gutenberg-for-woo-products.code-snippets.JSON” within the “Extra” folder of the theme that you just downloaded to your PC. Once you have imported this file, activate it and that’s it. You won’t have to do anything else.
Alternatively, if you really can’t import this file, add it manually by following these steps:
Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Snippets > Add new > add all the text that follows starting from line 1 by simply copying and pasting (the following code) > Save changes and Activate.