Here I will show you how to import the exact theme settings and page content + design of the live demo.
Import theme settings from your Dashboard #
.DAT file
Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > and in the left sidebar at the bottom click on Export/Import.
The correct import of the theme settings occurs only if you have downloaded and activated the “Customizer Export/Import” plugin that I recommended in the previous mandatory plugins section.
So now, after clicking on Export/Import > Import > import here only file number 2 that you find in the zip archive on your computer > and check the box “Download and import image files?” > yes
File number 2 that you need to import will have the following wording and format: “02. Your ThemeName Theme Settings.dat”.
For example: 02. Violante Theme Settings.dat.
The second file will always have the .DAT format and you must import only that.
Congratulations, you have successfully imported the theme settings.
Import page settings and content from your Dashboard #
.XML file
Go back to your WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Tools > Import > WordPress (the last item in the list) > Run Impoter > here upload only file number 3 of your zip archive named “03. YourThemeName Theme Content .xml”.
For example: 03. Violante Theme Content.xml.
Import only that, and finally, when you have imported it click on Upload file and Import.
The third file will always have the .XML format and you must import only that.
Congratulations, you have successfully imported the page settings, content and design.
In this second phase, you have to go back to your WordPress Dashboard > Tools > Import > WordPress (the last item in the list) > Run Impoter > here upload only file number 3 of your zip archive named “03. YourThemeName Theme Content .xml”.
For example: 03. Idelle Theme Content.xml.
You’ve just finished the most important steps of successfully installing your theme. Keep reading the sections that follow.